Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm nursing my third Guiness, with two Dabs and a shot of Crown Royal also spinning around down there. Susan came over earlier and said, "why don't you get drunk, and I'll make you supper." She had 4 Guiness in one hand, and a grocery bag and some white wine in the other.

That girl wants to marry me. I'm sure of it.

I'll bet you anything I'm having sex tonight.

I probably shouldn't write that.

Susan put on Veckatimest. "I love this song," she said as 'Ready, Able' came on. Thank God for downloaded music. Album of the summer.


Boyda said...

Hmm, Grizzly Bear is gone... She found this post, didn't she, and didn't like your foreknowledge of sex? Or it just wasn't good?

Eep, I probably shouldn't write that. I'll probably regret...pressing....

s$s said...

umm, no comment.

Boyda said...

(I hope that wasn't offensive or anything! But I do wonder why you changed the post, as I rather liked it. Though this is good too.)

s$s said...

Ha. No, don't worry. I've been trying to cut as much fat off these posts as possible, and it felt redundant to make a joke out of...

But you liked it. And that does weigh into my consideration.

Ha. Now whoever reads this will be curious what the post originally looked like -until I decided to revise it.

So... here you go:

Boyda said...

Oh, thank you. I do enjoy having a soundtrack to the post.

I sort of feel like a meddler.

s$s said...

I like meddling. And you're a good person to have doing it.

I've realized that I don't want this blog to be fragile. I'm trying to let it be art, but not the kind of art which is isolated and untouchable. I refuse to hold it in reverence. I think that approach is born out of pride, and I try to resist it within myself.

I'm just a guy in small-town Saskatchewan blogging about my life-consuming obsession (and taking a few liberties in the telling of my little life stories). I want to always keep that in perspective.

If that makes sense.

So, what I'm saying is, Thanks for reading so actively. It helped. It really did.